Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How to Get Resume Results - Include Your Spiritual, Not Religious, Gifts

So you want to be a doctor, lawyer or Indian Chief? The truth is, God doesn't care what your career is as long as you make use of the gifts He gave you through the career of your choice.
As author Mark Victor Hansen says, We're spiritual beings in a physical universe and we are here to make a spiritual contribution. Unless you are fulfilling your spiritual mission, you anesthetize yourself.
Well put. So let's wake up and feel excited about work again!
If your best spiritual gift were friendliness, you might make a perfect Wal-Mart greeter, sales person, or social host or hostess. You have to like people to be genuinely friendly and these positions match your gift.
If your chosen gift were analyzing you might find fulfilling work as a soils analyzer on a construction site, as a psychologist, plant nursery shop owner, or stockbroker. Again, your gift matches the job. The list of possibility combinations is endless.
Tom McBroom, a hiring manager for more than 25 years, says that some of what he is looking for when he reads your resume includes the talents of:
Good work ethics and
This is good information to know if you are looking for a job or career change. It's also interesting to note that all the above talents fall under the categories of God-given skills, interests and values.
Historically, we have stretched our so-called abilities to fit the position and worked under stressful conditions while we played catch up. Why add this unnecessary stress to your life if you don't have to? Unless you're specifically interested in learning something new on the job, it's a much better fit to go after what you're already good at and enjoy the results.
In the evolution of job searches, we now find ourselves sending out resumes to companies in reverse order. Where we once looked for jobs in our current industry and hoped our abilities matched what they were looking for, those on the cutting edge of job searching have spiritually awakened, know themselves well, and can now match what they have to offer with the best company, no matter what the industry. Today you can afford to be choosy in any career field that matches your gifts.
When you identify your top skills, interests and values, you can then tailor your career search into areas that will not only be soul fulfilling, but a more comfortable fit.
By the way, a good hiring ad will tell you specifically what qualities the company is looking for. If those qualities look like the same ones on your resume - you've hit the jackpot! If not, keep looking for a better match.